Imagine people laughing, caring, singing, sharing.

Imagine enchanted lions, rainbow trees and a dragon named McFiddle Dee Dee!

McFiddle Dee Dee/Imagine That!, the third album by Jim Valley and friends combines music and lyrics that paint a picture of a world of possibilities. Many of the lyrics come straight from the hearts of children.

That playful energy of side one and the quiet reflection of side two invite listeners of all ages to sing a rainbow, dance a poem and share a feeling that connects eveyrone.

Imagine That!

McFiddle Dee Dee/Imagine That!
Click On The Links Below To Hear A Song Collage
From McFiddle Dee Dee/Imagine That!

Windows Media Player Version QuickTime Version
McFiddle Dee Dee
Imagine That!
Can A Tree Be Your Friend?
Such Delight
Happy Song
If Apples Were Pears
Rainbow Rock
Johnny B. Goode
Make Believe
Magical Music
Enchanted Lions
The Sea
Silvery, Silvery
Sing Me A Rainbow

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Other Albums
Rainbow Planet Friendship Train Imagine That! Dinosaur Ride We Have A Dream Rainbow Garden

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