Rainbow Planet is full of kids stuff. A fun educational entertainment kid's site where peace, friendship, nature, and kids music in song with dance rule the land.
Jim Valley,children's music and educational entertainer's music history

Review Rainbow Planet's children's music cds and cassette tapes

Rainbow Planet's children's educational and entertainment music workshop teaches self esteem, friendship, cultural diversity and ecology
Jim Valley believes that music, song, and dance are the vehicle to a child's center of self esteem and caring.
Jim Valley is internationally known as the kids Pied Piper of peace, love, and understanding
& friends
 Review Rainbow Planet's children's story books and children's song lyrics books

Kid's free coloring pages and links

Order children's books, cds and tapes
Listen to Rainbow Planet's children's music, free mp3 downloads and free Real Audio music downloads

... Helping to keep the world happy, one song at a time.

The Rainbow Planet is a place where peace, friendship and imagination rule the land. It is place of children's music, poetry, movement and dance, where children can create and take chances. Jim Valley teaches children lessons from the Rainbow Planet... I Am Special, You Are Special, We Are Special Together.

Come discover the many creative, meaningful and sometimes funny song lyrics written by school children while participating in the music workshop. Themes of these songs explore friendship, family, self esteem, nature, cultural diversity, ecology, and fun along with anything a child's imagination is capable of.


Jim's long-awaited CD for grown-up children
is available now!
Check it out at www.jimvalley.com

About Jim | Children's CDs & Tapes | School Workshops | Downloads
Books | Just For Kids | Links | Order Form
Jim Valley's Rainbow Planet, teaches children with music, song, and dance while exploring friendship, family, nature, self esteem, cultural diversity, and ecology.
5110 Cromwell Drive
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
253/265-3758 253/265-2093 (fax)

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