Rainbow Planet Workshop Format

will be spending some time at your school. Jim is a musician, composer, performer, and definitely an artist in involving children in music and movement. His love of music, art and dance is infectious. Through his work in these elements, the underlying thread of universal feelings of imagination, self worth, friendship and joy is woven. His song, Rainbow Planet, contains the words, I am special, you are special, we are special together, the common theme found throughout his music.

The Rainbow Planet Workshop is a cooperative adventure in creative expression for children and teachers. Song writing, group singing, movement, creative writing and art are explored through themes of friendship, self esteem, nature, ecology, culturality and imagination.

Jim Valley is Arriving on the Friendship Train!
(Please make copies for your teachers.)

Planning For Jim's Visit

I. Workshop Tips
Students will enjoy the workshops more if they participate in the suggested pre-workshop activities. Workshops are most successful when the total staff is involved. Music teachers, librarians, and P.E. specialists also enjoy incorporating Rainbow Planet activities in their programs.

II. Schedule
Three to four sessions per day (45-50 minutes). Please divide groups according to grade levels, for example, K-1, 2-3 and 4-5. One session may be a culminating assembly with the whole school. Invite parents if you have room. An evening family concert is also a popular option. Please allow a 10-15 minute break between sessions, if possible.

III. Setting
A large room such as the gymnasium or cafeteria, free of tables or desks where students can sit on the floor, form a circle and be active.

IV. Materials Needed
1. We provide you with a sampler CD with selected Rainbow Planet songs from Jim's six albums. You may duplicate this for your teachers to use in classes while learning the songs, but Jim requests that you erase the "recorded copies" at the completion of the workshop.

2. We also provide lyric sheets for the sampler CD which you may copy.

3. We ask that you provide one good quality blank cassette tape at each session for Jim to record the class' new songs. These stay with your school.

4. We also ask that you provide a musical PA system, two microphones with stand, a chair for Jim, a student desk or small size table, and an extension cord.

You are invited to videotape the assemblies. This will help you remember the movements that go with the songs.

Teacher/Student Preparation
Workshops are most successful when students and teachers actively prepare.

I. Rainbow Planet Songs
Familiarize your students with Jim's songs. An easy way to learn theses songs is to play the format CD and encourage children to follow along with their lyric sheets. Although "children of all ages" love Jim's music, here is a general guideline for age groups.

Rainbow Planet*
Computer Song
Friendship Train*
Rainbow City
Dinosaurs at School
O o'pu
Splish Splash
Witchi Tai*
Hand Jive
Add Your Happiness
Rockin' Robin*
Even learning just a few songs is helpful! *These are some of the key songs

II. Cooperative Poem/Song Writing
By class or grade level, compose a cooperative rhyming poem (6-12 lines) on any positive topic: friendship, self-esteem, imagination, colors, nature, seasons, science, dreams, environment, etc. Jim will set your poem to music with your students' input, and record it. Have your poem typed in large font on standard size paper, and give to Jim prior to your class sessions. Jim has time to do three or four poems per session.

III. Rainbow Planet Posters
You can display these in the hallways or area you will use for Jim's visit. They can be created cooperatively by students and/or teachers and can include a friendship slogan. A theme for your poster might reflect your poem or other songs by Jim.

Follow Up Activities

Friendship Assemblies
Classes could perform their new song, created with Jim, for another class or an all-school assembly. Have students create movements/sign language to go along with their song. During an assembly with Jim, teachers could do a version of Splish Splash in their bathrobes and shower caps. Kids love this!

Creative Writing (individual or cooperative) Write one or two paragraphs.

1. What could a child teach a grown-up about friendship, history, and dinosaurs?
2. If I went to Friendship Mountain, what would I do, see, and learn? Use descriptive writing with taste, feel, smell, color . . .
3. How would I change the world? (fantasy or reality)
4. I feel proud when I . . .
5. My life dream is . . . .
6. If I were a________________, I would___________________.
7. If I had a magic hat (vest, chair, stream), I would . . . .
8. If I could go anywhere for an hour, I would go ________.
9. If I could go to dream school, this is what I would hope to learn . . . .

Performance Tips
Have a discussion on the class's experience with performing (plays, choir or band concerts, talent shows). Learn to look at each other on stage and give each other supportive smiles and glances (sharing energy). Always try to give your best.

Imagine singing from your heart to the heart of the audience. Sing with a smile, it sounds much better. Have fun with your performance. Take three deep, slow breaths right before the performance begins (it relaxes you). If a large audience seems intimidating, imagine them as zebras or flowers or anything! A little girl once said, "Just smile and sing it out!"

Dedicated to the spirit of friendship and the creative child in all of us.

5110 Cromwell Drive, Gig Harbor, WA 98335 (253) 265-3758 Toll Free (866) 863-7739

Email: jimvalley@rainbowplanet.com       Web site: www.rainbowplanet.com